if above_user.avatar = running_mario
message_post('you broke the internet noobie!!!')
=D 'Tis a game script.
# Zenith Tactical Battle System
# Event Turn
# This calls upon Common Events for each turn to initialise music.
class Scene_Map
def turn_event
case $game_map.map_id
# ««Battler Turn Set Up««
# when Map ID
# return {Start=> Common Event ID, ...}
# What this does is it defines what happens on the turns of the enemy and
# the actor in this case it plays music for each side.
# O - This is the start off event so basically if you want something to happen
# before every battle, you must create a common event and assign it to that
# common events ID e.g. as below (0=>4)
# Player Turn - This is the players turn as you would have guessed so put
# whatever music you would like to play in a common event and tell it to be
# assigned to that common event ID in this case 2
# Enemy Turn - This is the enemies turn as you would have guessed so put
# whatever music you would like to play in a common event and tell it to be
# assigned to that common event ID in this case 3
# Common Event Turn Assignment
when 1 # When Map ID
return {0=>4, "Player Turn"=>2, "Enemy Turn"=>3}
# In other cases return with nothing
return {}
# œ Battle Event Basis - Let me describe this one actually
# This event is activated as the battle is starting up the before hand music
def set_turn_event
common_event = []
if turn_event.keys.include?("Player Turn") and
$game_system.tactics_turn != 0
common_event += $data_common_events[turn_event["Player Turn"]].list
# This event is activated as the players take their turn
if turn_event.keys.include?("Player Turn") and
$game_system.tactics_phase == 1
common_event += $data_common_events[turn_event["Player Turn"]].list
# This event is activated as the enemies take their turn
if turn_event.keys.include?("Enemy Turn") and
$game_system.tactics_phase == 2
common_event += $data_common_events[turn_event["Enemy Turn"]].list
event_id = turn_event[$game_system.tactics_turn]
if event_id != nil
common_event += $data_common_events[event_id].list
if common_event.size > 0
$game_system.map_interpreter.setup(common_event, 0)
'Tis also a game script. =D A script I need for my game. (Translated by Mac)